EE 211 Section 1

Homework Assignment 11
Due Nov. 6, 1998

When plotting functions using MATLAB remember the following considerations:

  1. Decide on a time range -- usually tmin = 0, and tmax is determined by:
  2. Define a time vector t = 0:tmax/1000:tmax which breaks your time range into about 1,000 parts.
  3. Write your funtion pretty much as it is written on paper, but remember that ea t is written as exp(a*t)
  4. Remember that all angles should be in radians, not degrees. To convert from degrees to radians, multiply by pi and divide by 180.
  5. When multiplying two vectors, use ".*" rather than "*". For example, to calculate cos(a t) sin(b t) write cos(a*t) .* sin(b*t)
  6. Use the functions xlabel('t (seconds)'), ylabel('v (volts)'), and title('Plot of e^{-100 t}') to annotate your plots.
  7. Here is an example

  1. Use MATLAB to plot the function v(t) = 5 [1 - e -100 t ] u (t ).
  2. Use MATLAB to plot the function v(t) = 2 e-50 t sin(500 t) u(t)
  3. Use MATLAB to plot the function v(t) = 100(e-1000 t - e-500 t).
  4. Problem 5-30.

Bill Rison, < >