Program to Divide a Table by 2

Write a program to divide the signed eight-bit numbers in a table of data by 2, and store in another table

; Program to divide a table by two
; and store the results in memory

prog:    equ     $0800
data:    equ     $0900

count:   equ     5

CODE:    section .text    ;The stuff which follows is program code
         org     prog     ;set program counter to 0x0800
         ldab    #count   ;Use B as counter
         ldx     #table1  ;Use X as data pointer to table1
         ldy     #table2  ;Use Y as data pointer to table2
loop:    ldaa    1,x+     ;Get entry from table1; increment pointer to next entry
         asra             ;Divide by two (signed)
         staa    1,y+     ;Save in table2; increment pointer to next entry
         dbne    b,loop   ;Decrement counter; counter != 0 => more entries to divide
         swi              ;Done

DATA:    section .data    ;The stuff which follows is data
         org     data
table1:  dc.b    $07,$c2,$3a,$68,$F3
table2:  ds.b    count