Here are some assembler directives for the AS6811 assembler which we will be using in this class. For full documentation of the assembler see asmlnk.doc

; Anything after a semicolon is treated as a comment

name      =       expression    ; Wherever name appears in program, replace
                                ; it with the value of the expression

          .area   CODE  (ABS)   ; Region to put program code
          .area   DATA  (ABS)   ; Region to put data variables
[label:]  .org    address       ; Start filling in at this address
                                ; label will have a value of the address

[label:]  .db     value         ; Stores the binary value in the next byte

[label:]  .db     v1,v2,v3      ; Stores the binary values of v1, v2, ve
                                ; in successive bytes

[label:]  .dw     value         ; Stores the binary value in the next word
                                ; (A word is 16 bits, or two bytes)

[label:]  .dw     v1,v2,v3      ; Stores the binary values of v1, v2, ve
                                ; in successive words

[label:]  .ds     N             ; Reserve N bytes of space
[label:]  .blkb   N             ; Reserve N bytes of space
[label:]  .blkw   N             ; Reserve N words of space

[label:]  .ascii  "string"      ; Put ASCII representation of characters in
                                ; string in successive memory bytes