Simple program for master to send data to slave over SPI

Master Program

 * Program for Master SPI
#include <hc11.h>

    unsigned char master_dataout;
    unsigned char temp;

    DDRD |= 0x38;                   /* Make Bit 3 (MOSI), Bit 4 (SCK),
                                        and Bit 5 of Port D outputs */

     *  SPCR = 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
     *         | | | | | | | |
     *         | | | | | | \_\____SPI Clock = E/2 (1 MHz)
     *         | | | | | \________CPHA = 1 (data valid on 2nd SCK edge;
     *         | | | | |                    SS can remain active low 
     *         | | | | |                      between bytes.)
     *         | | | | \__________CPOL = 0 (SCK idle low)
     *         | | | \____________MSTR = 1 (master)
     *         | | \______________DWOM = 0 (do not use wired-OR mode)
     *         | \________________SPE  = 1 (enable SPI)
     *         \__________________SPIE = 0 (do not enable interrupts)
    SPCR = 0x54;

    PORTD &= ~0x20;                 /* Bring Bit 5 of Port D low to select
                                        slave HC11 */

    temp = SPSR;                    /* Read SPSR as first step in clearing 
                                       SPIF */
    master_dataout = 0xaa;

    SPDR = master_dataout;          /* Send data to slave; clears SPIF */

    while ((SPSR & 0x80) == 0) ;    /* Wait for transfer to finish */

    PORTD |= 0x20;                  /* Bring Bit 5 of Port D high to deselect
                                        slave HC11 */
    /* Rest of program */

Slave Program

 * Program for Slave SPI
#include <hc11.h>

    unsigned char slave_datain;
    unsigned char temp;

    DDRD |= 0x04;                   /* Make Bit 2 of Port D (MISO) an output */

     *  SPCR = 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
     *         | | | | | | | |
     *         | | | | | | \_\____Don't care for slave
     *         | | | | | \________CPHA = 1 (data valid on 2nd SCK edge;
     *         | | | | |                    SS can remain active low
     *         | | | | |                      between bytes.)
     *         | | | | \__________CPOL = 0 (SCK idle low)
     *         | | | \____________MSTR = 0 (slave)
     *         | | \______________DWOM = 0 (do not use wired-OR mode)
     *         | \________________SPE  = 1 (enable SPI)
     *         \__________________SPIE = 0 (do not enable interrupts)
    SPCR = 0x44;

    temp = SPSR;                    /* First step in clearing SPIF */
    temp = SPDR;                    /* Read SPDR to finish clearing SPIF */

    while ((SPSR & 0x80) == 0) ;    /* Wait for transfer to finish */

    slave_datain = SPDR;            /* Read data from slave;
                                       this also clears SPIF flag */