Information on large net files for EE 322

Spring 1997

This spring I have found I can make data sheets for the lab available in electronic form. I expect this will be the form you will use in the future (with many improvements). The advantage is there is more information there than I would select and copy for you. The problem which we all face is how to find what we want and how much do we need a paper copy of.

Look at the electronic version and only make a copy of pages needed. This may be the first page and then several with important diagrams.

to print files that are too big on digital lab network

 1.	Bring up the  .pdf file like usual
 2.	print to postscript file, but specify /tmp directory
 	for example save to /tmp/
 3.	Print the file  -- lpr -s -Ppc /tmp/
	in this command the -Ppc specifies the printer in the digital lab
 4.	remove the file from /tmp
	it will be deleted automatically overnight

Please email me your comments.

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