• One 8.5"×11" sheet of paper with writing on both sides allowed

• Discrete-Time Signals, x[n]

- construct by sampling continuous-time signal

- Uniform (Shannon's) Sampling Theorem

- ideal versus practical sampling results (time and frequency domain, signal reconstruction)

- common signals (u[n], r[n], pL[n], delta[n])

- periodicity test

- time shifting

• Discrete-Time Systems

- difference equation model (solve for y[n] by recursion/z-transform, construct from differential equation)

- convolution model (compute output via convolution)

- transfer function model (construct from differential equation/difference equation, stability, solve for output given H(z) and input, quantify system from H(z) or H(Omega))

- PID control basics

• Discrete-Time Fourier Transform, X(Omega)

- find from x[n], X(z)

- magnitude and phase spectra

- determine frequency content of a signal (both for x[n] and x(t))

- x[n] <--> X(Omega)

• Discrete-Fourier Transform, Xk

- sample X(Omega)

- magnitude and phase spectra

- find from x[n]

- estimate frequency content of a signal (both for x[n] and x(t))

- effects of truncating x[n]

- fast Fourier transform concept (at most break up a 4-point DFT)

• Z-Transform, X(z)

- x[n] <--> X(z)

- solve difference equations

- determine behavior/values of x[n] from X(z)