EE 308 -- LAB 12
Final Project

For your final project, you will use two HC11 boards as a temperature controller (Figure 1). The two boards will be connected together through their SPI ports, one board acting as master and the other as slave. The slave board will control the temperature of an oven. It will turn the oven heater element on and off in order to keep the oven at a constant temperature. It will send the temperature of the oven to the master board over the SPI interface. The master board will tell the slave board what temperature it wants the oven set at, and will display the temperature received from the slave on its LEDs.

Figure 1: Block diagram for final project lab.

The master board will have a pot connected to it, which will determine the temperature you want the oven to be. Turning the pot will change the oven set point.

The slave board will have an oven (power resistor) connected to it. It can control current through the resistor by turning on and off an FET switch. When the switch is on (+5 V on the FET gate), the oven will heat up. When the switch is off (0 V on the FET gate), the oven will cool down. An LM35 temperature sensor attached to the oven will measure its temperature. The slave board should receive the set point from the master board, turn on the heater if the temperature is above the set point, then turn off the heater if the temperature is below the set point.

Note that you should use two protoboards for power. One board should supply power for the HC11 boards and the power labeled Vcc in Figure 1. The other protoboard should supply the 5 V needed to power the oven heater. The reason for this is that the oven heater draws so much current that, if an HC11 board were connected to the same supply as the heater, when the heater turns on, the power supply voltage will drop below the 4.5 V needed to operate the HC11. Be sure to connect a common ground between the two boards.

Program the HC11s in the following way:

  1. The set point and the actual temperature should be global variables in the master and the slave.

  2. Once a second (using an XIRQ interrupt from the Real Time Clock chip) the master should read the voltage on the pot from the A/D converter, save it in a global variable and send the value to the slave over the SPI.

  3. When the slave receives an interrupt on the SPI system it should read the set point from the SPI and save it in a global variable. It should then read the actual oven temperature from the temperature sensor, send it to the SPI data register, and use bit 0 of PIA Port B to tell the master to read the data. It should wait until the master has read the oven temperature data, then bring bit 0 of PIA Port B back high and exit the isr.

  4. Upon receiving an IRQ interrupt the master should read the oven temperature and store it in a global variable.

  5. Using a TOI interrupt the master should decide what to display on the LEDs depending on what is set on the DIP switches:

    PA 1 PA 0 PIA Port B Function
    0 0 Oven Set Point
    0 1 Oven Temperature
    1 0 Up Counter
    1 1 Turn Signal

    Table 1: PIA Port A inputs to control the PIA Port B functions.

  6. When the master receives a TIC1 interrupt it should set a global flag in the TIC1 isr.

  7. In its main program the master should monitor the global flag set in the TIC1 interrupt. When the flag is set, it should print the time, set point and oven temperature (in Celsius) to the PC display, and clear the global flag.

  8. Using a 33 ms RTI interrupt, the slave board should measure the oven temperature and save the value in a global variable. It should turn the heater on if the oven temperature is below the set point, and turn the heater off if the oven temperature is above the set point.

Optional. Once you get this system working, program it into the EPROM version of the HC11 chip you received with your kit. We will discuss how to do this in lab. More information is given in this description

Bill Rison, < >
Thu Apr 18 1996

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