MENG 189L: Robotics LLC


  • HazRadBot on F 05/01/2015
    • Goal: Develop an electrically-driven mobile manipulator capable of recovering simulated hazardous materials from mock disaster site.
    • Robot will perform recovery task under combination of tele-operation and autonomous behavior.
  • Move-A-Tube on F 03/27/2015
    • Goal: Develop an electrically-driven mobile manipulator capable of moving tubes from one stand to another.
    • Remote control must be made of parts provided with kit and/or common electrical components (e.g., potentiometers, switches).
  • Robot Triathlon (RoboCross, RoboReckoning, RoboGiotto) on Th 12/04/2014
    • Goal: Develop an electrically-driven robot capable of
      • RoboCross - (Custom) Tethered remote control through course of cones spaced a minimum of 16 inches apart;
      • RoboReckoning - Autonomously drive straight for specified distance that ranges from 1 - 8 feet; and
      • RoboGiotto - Autonomously drive in circle of specified radius that ranges from 1 - 4 feet.
    • Venue: Atrium of Fidel Center.
    • Constraints: $5 maximum on personally-supplied parts; dimensions of less than 16in wide x 16in long x 20in tall; and sole power supply is AA battery pack provided.
  • Robot Crawl Challenge on Th 10/09/2014
    • Goal: Develop a remote-controlled, battery-powered, electrically-driven chassis capable of traversing obstacles representative of a hazardous environment.
    • Venue: Tiles with obstacles placed outside Cramer Hall.
    • Constraints: $5 maximum on personally-supplied parts; dimensions of less than 16in wide x 16in long x 20in tall; sole power supply is AA battery pack provided.
    • Evaluation Criteria (weighted equally):
      1. Drive Functionality (remote control, forward, reverse, turns, variable speed)
      2. Obstacle Traversing Capability (number and difficulty of tiles/obstacles traversed)
      3. Design Quality (robustness, efficiency, reliability)
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