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3 Supplementary Material

3.1 Verilog

3.1.1 Parameters

Parameters are constants and not variables.

parameter num = 8;

3.1.2 Operators ?:Construct

assign y = sel?a:b;

If sel is true, then y is assigned a, else it is assigned b. Concatenations

In Verilog it is possible to concatenate bits using $ \{\cdot\}$ .

$ \{$ a, b, c, a, b, c$ \}$

is equivalent to

$ \{2\{$ a, b, c$ \}\}$ Comparison Operators

assign y = a>b?a:b;

assign y to a if a>b and assign it to b otherwise. Table 2 shows a list of comparison operators.

Table 2: Comparison Operators
Operator Description
$ > $ greater than
$ < $ less than
$ >=$ greater than or equal to
$ <=$ less than or equal to
$ ==$ equality
$ ===$ equality including x and z
$ !=$ inequality
$ !==$ inequality including x and z Logical Operators

Table 3 shows a list of logical operators.

Table 3: Logical Operators
Operator Description
$ ! $ logical negation
$ \&\&$ logical AND
$ \vert\vert$ logical OR Binary Arithmetic Operators

Table 4 shows a list of arithmetic operators.

Table 4: Arithmetic Operators
Operator Description
$ +$ addition
$ -$ subtraction
$ *$ multiplication
$ /$ division (truncates any fractional part)
$ \%$ equality Unary Arithmetic Operators

Table 5 shows a list of unary arithmetic operators.

Table 5: Unary Arithmetic Operators
Operator Description
$ -$ Change the sign of the operand Bitwise Operators

Table 6 shows a list of bitwise operators.

Table 6: Bitwise Operators
Operator Description
$ \sim$ Bitwise negation
$ \&$ Bitwise AND
$ \vert$ Bitwise OR
$ \sim\&$ Bitwise NAND
$ \sim \vert$ Bitwise OR
$ \sim ^\wedge$ or $ ^\wedge\sim $ Equivalence Unary Reduction Operators

Table 7 shows a list of unary reduction operators. They produce a single bit result by applying the operator to all of the pits of the operand.

Table 7: Unary Reduction Operators
Operator Description
$ \sim$ Bitwise negation
$ \&$ Bitwise AND
$ \vert$ Bitwise OR
$ \sim\&$ Bitwise NAND
$ \sim \vert$ Bitwise OR
$ \sim ^\wedge$ or $ ^\wedge\sim $ Equivalence Shift Operators

Table 8 shows a list of shift operators.

Table 8: Shift Operators
Operator Description
$ <<$ left shift
$ >>$ right shift Operator Precedence Rule

Table 9 shows a list operator precedence rules.

Table 9: Precedence Rules
!,$ \sim$ Highest Precedence
$ *,/,\%$  
$ +,-$  
$ <<,>>$  
$ <,<=,>,>=$  
$ == ,!=,===,!==$  
$ \&$  
$ ^\wedge$ , $ ^\wedge\sim $  
$ \vert$  
$ \&\&$  
$ \vert\vert$  
$ ?:$ Lowest Precedence

3.1.3 8-bit Adder

Program 1 shows how to implement an 8-bit adder.

% latex2html id marker 374\begin{verbatim}wire [7:0] sum, ...
... = a+b+cin;\end{verbatim}\caption{An example of an 8-bit

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Copyright © 2008, Electrical Engineering Department, New Mexico Tech
Last Modified 2009-09-29