EE 308 Labs

Tentative Schedule for Spring 2003

Click here to see the Lab Grading Policy.

Note: The lab handouts are presented in Adobe Acrobat format. You need to open them using the Adobe Acrobat Reader program. This is a free program available from Adobe:
Title Dates
Lab 1 Assembler, Simulator and Monitor Jan. 27, 29, 30
Lab 2 Further Use of ZAP and the EVBU Jan. 3, 5, 6
Lab 3 Assembly Language Programming Feb. 10, 12, 13
Lab 4 Parallel Ports and Subroutines Feb. 17, 19, 20
Lab 5 C Language Programming Feb. 24, 26, 27
Lab 6 Using the HC12 Timer Overflow and Real Time Interrupts Mar. 3, 5, 6
Lab 7 68HC12 Input Capture and Output Compare Functions Mar. 17, 19, 20 Formal Report
Due week of March 24
Lab 8 Using the 68HC12 Pulse Width Modulation Subsystem Mar 24, 26, 27
Lab 9 The Analog to Digital Converter Mar. 31, Apr. 2, 3
Lab 10 Serial Communications using the 68HC12 SPI and the MAX522 D/A Converter Apr. 7, 9, 10
Lab 11 Port Expansion and Bus Timing Apr. 14, 16, 17
Lab 12 Final Project -- Motor Speed Control Apr. 21, 23, 24
Lab 12 Final Project -- Motor Speed Control (Continued) Apr. 28, 30, May 1 Formal Report
Due week of May 5
- Make Up Week May 5, 7, 8

Bill Rison, < >
Tue Jan 15 2003